Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
MLADEN OBAD ŠĆITAROCI (born in 1955), DSc, is a graduate architect, senior research scientist, and professor emeritus at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, the Department of Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture. He also held lectures at the Faculty of Forestry and at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb. He received his master’s degree at the Faculty of Forestry in 1986, after completing the scientific course “Design of Recreational Objects in Parks and Natural Environment”. In 1989, he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Architecture, with his dissertation entitled “Reconstruction Methodology of Historical Parks and Gardens”.
He has written (with Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci) seven books, two of which have been translated into English and German: Gardens and Manors of the Croatian Zagorje, Manors and Gardens of the Croatian Zagorje (translated into English and German), Manors and Gardens in Croatia – Slavonia from Zagreb to Vukovar (translated into English and German, the German edition released by an Austrian publishing house), Croatian Garden Heritage – protection and restoration, Vrbanić’s Park in Karlovac, Public Parks of Croatia in the 19th Century and Golubovec Manor in Donja Stubica. He is one of seven authors of the book Stadtparks in der Österreichischen Monarchie 1765-1918 – Studien zur Bürgerlichen Entwicklung des urbanen Grüns in Österreich, Ungarn, Kroatien, Slowenien und Krakau aus europäischer Perspektive (Wien-Köln-Weimar, 2007). He is the editor of four Proceedings of the Scientific Conference and editor of the book Cultural Urban Heritage (Springer, Schwitzerland).
In his research, published papers and professional work his approach is interdisciplinary, which correlates with his interdisciplinary education. His professional, scientific and academic work interweaves urban planning, physical planning, landscape architecture, theory and history of art and architecture, and protection (conservation) of cultural heritage. He has contributed to university education through several new courses taught at graduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb.
He has published 200 papers, including hundred scientific research papers and fiftyish papers which have been published abroad. There are about 270 reviews of his books and work in journals, the print, on radio and television, fifty of which abroad. He is author/co-author of more than 200 professional projects – regional and town plans, studies and projects in the field of architecture and landscape architecture. A considerable number of his projects deal with cultural heritage – urban planning, building and landscape. In many of his media appearances (print, radio, television) he has promoted the preservation, renovation and revitalisation of cultural-historical heritage and sustainable physical and urban planning.
He has headed and reviewed scientific research projects in the field of landscape and urban heritage. As researcher, he has participated in scientific projects since 1986. He has headed four scientific projects on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb: 1. Physical Planning and Protection of Croatian Natural Environment (2000-2002), 2. Urban and Garden Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture (2002-2005), 3. Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture (2007-2013) and 4. Heritage Urbanism (HERU) – Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage» (Croatian Science Foundation, HRZZ-2032, 2014-2018).
He has actively contributed to three international scientific research projects: 1. UNESCO: Les espaces du baroque – projet interregional (atlas of world baroque – interregional project), 1992-1993 (coordinator for Croatia); 2. Stadtparkanlagen in den Länden der ehemaligen k.u.k. Monarchie (City Gardens of the former k.u.k. Monarchy), 1996-1998 (project manager for Croatia and Slovenia); 3. Villas, Stately Homes and Castles – compatible use, valorisation and creative management, interreg iiib cadses program (head of Croatian part of the project).
He was editor-in-chief of the scholarly journal “Prostor” for architecture and town-planning (from 2001 to 2013; www.prostor.hr). The journal, active since 1993, has been internationally recognized, and has been included in Web of Science (WoS) base Arts and Humanities Citation Index since 2007. He is editor of several books and proceedings from scientific and professional conferences.
He has mentored doctoral candidates, scientific trainees, graduating students and foreign scholarship students. He has supervised 11 successful Doctoral Theses and 6 Masters Degrees. He is currently supervisor of four dissertations. He was also advisor to 10 junior researchers. He has been a member of numerous doctoral and masters committees. He is teaching Module Heritage at the Postgraduate doctoral scientific study Architecture and Urbanism (from 2018).
As guest lecturer he has delivered lectures in Italy and Spain, and as scholarship holder of the Italian government he completed advanced scientific training in Rome. He attended the architecture seminar “Andrea Palladio” in Vicenza (Italy). He has actively collaborated in teaching courses at the Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Bari (he co-supervised seven graduates from Bari and supervised two Italian scholars after graduation), and has also collaborated with other Italian Faculties. He has cooperated with numerous university teachers from various universities in Europe and worldwide.
He is a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (from 2014.) and a full member of the Academy of Engineering of Croatia (from 2005.). By the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, he was appointed member of the State Physical Planning Council from 2004 to 2013.
He was awarded the State government prize for science in 1998 for the popularization and promotion of science, and the prize of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) for highest achievements in sciences and arts in the Republic of Croatia in 2004 in the field of visual arts for the book Public parks of Croatian Towns in the 19th century in European Context (co-written with Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci). He received the Award “Fran Bošnjaković” University of Zagreb for the year 2017 for outstanding results in the field of scientific and professional activities, for the promotion of scientific discipline and profession and for a special contribution in the transfer of knowledge and the upbringing of young experts in the field of technical sciences.
- Based on a contract with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, he teaches undergraduate and graduate studies with a 50% teachin in the academic year 2021/2022.
- Participation in the radio programme, Catholic Radio, Cultural Pearls of Croatia, August 28, 2021, editor and host: Vesna Bihar.
- Based on a contract with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, he teaches undergraduate and graduate studies with a 50% teachin in the academic year 2020/2021.
- Retirement October 1, 2020
- Participation in the television programme “Good Morning Croatia”, HRT, Panel discussion on the reconstruction of the city of Zagreb after the earthquake, September 30, 2020, editors: Branimir Farkaš and Ivana Vilović.
- Participation in the video programme “Zagreb, that’s how I love you!” on the occasion of the restoration of the damaged cultural and historical heritage and cultural life in the city of Zagreb, broadcast on the Internet platform under the auspices of Večernji list, June 2, 2020. Author and producer: Nikola Mihaljević. Leader / moderator: Boris Homovec. Participants in the programme: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci (HAZU), Iva Hraste-Sočo (Ministry of Culture), Krunoslav Marić (Zagreb Soloists).
- Participation in the television programme Informer, Nova TV, January 11, 2020, article about castles in Croatia, journalist Martina Marčinko, editor and host Gordana Gelenčer.
- Participation in a group exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Department of Art of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, HAZU Palace, Zagreb, Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters (November 7, 2019 – February 29, 2020). Exhibited project: Renovation of the spa park in Lipik 1986-2019.
- Appointment as a member of the Croatian Commission for Cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Appointment of the Government of the Republic of Croatia at the session on 1 August 2019, President of the Commission: Academician Zvonko Kusić.
- Appointed as a member of the committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research and Museum-gallery units of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2019-2023
- Appointed as a deputy chair of the Committee for Property Issues of Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2014-2023
- PRESENTATION OF NEW BOOKS: Emilio Marin – Mursa – Colonia Aelia at the Limes of the Roman Empire / Hadrijanova kolonija uz limes rimskog carstva / (11 June); Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Bojana Bojanić and Ana Mrđa (editors) – Cultural Urban Heritage – Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies (16 May); Zlatko Karač and Alen Žunić – Islamic Architecture and Art in Croatia – Ottoman and Contemporary Heritage / Islamska arhitektura i umjetnost u Hrvatskoj – osmanska i suvremena baština (14 March); Ivan Mlinar – Summer School Ambientura / Ljetna škola ambientura (13 March); Andrija Mutnjaković – Croatian Museum of Architecture / Hrvatski muzej arhitekture (24 January).
- Lecture “Heritage Urbanism – Models of Revitalization and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” at the Postgraduate specialist study of Architecture and Urbanism in the module Planning in protected Architectural and Natural Heritage, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, February 21
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE JURY for the annual award of the Croatian Chamber of Architects for 2018 (Decision of the Board of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, February 2018).
- Participation in the television Nova TV, Informer, February 2, a contribution about castles in Croatia.
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE Working Group for Drafting Draft Law of Ministry of Defence on Memorials of Homeland War, appointment of Minister of Defence, January 28.
- Named as a member of the committee to organize the exhibition of the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, exibition at the Croatian Museum of Architecture of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Appointed as a Honorary Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal Prostor, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, November, 11.
- Appointed as a Member of the Presidency of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2019-2023
- Appointed as a Secretary of the Department of Fine Arts of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2019-2023
- Participation in the City Radio Virovitica, program “Life is a Hot Peppers”, talk on the reconstruction of the town park and castle in Virovitica, October, 21
- Participant on conference of Inter-County Expert Council for the Construction Field, Technical Engineering School in Zagreb, September 7, 2018.
- PRESENTATION OF NEW BOOKS: Ivan Šimunović – Spatial Magic / Prostorne čarolije (11 May), Alen Žunić (ed.): Thought in Architecture / Misao u arhitekturi – Velimir Neidhardt (7 June), Nenad Lipovac – English-Croatian Cultural Heritage professional Glossary (13 June) and Jasenka Kranjčević – The Neglected Heritage – Spatial Structures of the Villages in Croatia /Zanemarena baština – prostorne strukture sela u Hrvatskoj (20 June).
- Lecturer in the Professional conference How to successfully maintain and use the Angiolina Park, keeping its values for the future? Presentation: RENOVATION, MAINTENANCE AND USE OF HISTORIC GARDENS AND PARKS, organizers: Conservation Department in Rijeka, City Opatija and Croatian Museum of Tourism, Opatija, June 1, 2018.
- Participant in Panel discussion CULTURE, CITIES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, Organizer: ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development (independent civil society) and Croatian Association of Towns (National URBACT Point), Zagreb, 30 May 2018.
- Exibition presentation: Ivan Čižmek – Appropriation in 99 pictures / Aproprijacija u 99 slika, Museum of Architecture – Croatian Academy od Sciences and Arts, 23 May 2018.
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE for development and institutional setting up of the system of science and higher education, appointment of the Senate of the University of Zagreb, 15 May 2018.
- Introduction for CULTURAL HERITAGE PANELS – Commercial-Development Potentials; Business Investments in Cultural Heritage Tourism – Critical Success Factors, Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Real Estate Development. Hotel Esplanade Zagreb, organizer: Filipović poslovno savjetovanje d.o.o., Zagreb, 25 April 2018.
- Book presentation: SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF REPUBLIC OF CROATIA / Strategija prostornog razvoja Republike Hrvatske (Zagreb: Ministry of Construction and Phisical Planning and Croatian Insitut for Spatial development, Library of Croatian Academy od Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 9 March 2018.
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE JURY for the annual award of the Croatian Chamber of Architects for 2017 (Decision of the Board of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, 2 February 2018).
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for renewall and Development of ARBORETUM TRSTENO (Dubrovnik) of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art for four years (31 January 2018).
- AWARD “FRAN BOŠNJAKOVIC” UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB for the year 2017 for outstanding results in the field of scientific and professional activities, for the promotion of scientific discipline and profession and for a special contribution in the transfer of knowledge and the upbringing of young experts in the field of technical sciences. Decision of the Senate of the University of Zagreb at the 15th Session of the 34th Academic Year (2016/2017) held on September 28th, 2017.
- The Society of Landscape Architects of Croatia appointed him as a HONORARY/TESTIMONIAL MEMBER, 20 November 2017
- Organisation of scientific colloquium MODELS OF REVITALISATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, 24 May 2017, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, patron: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The colloquium is organized within research project Heritage Urbanism – Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (HERU), funded byCroatian science foundation (HRZZ-2032).
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE JURY for the Urbanistic-Architectural-Design for the Public Area and Designing a Memorial for Holocaust Victims in Branimirova Street in Zagreb, 2017, Investor: City of Zagreb, Organizer: Association of Croatian Architects (UHA), appointment of Mayor of the City of Zagreb, 19.05.2017.
- Appointed as a MEMBER OF THE JURY for the annual award of the Croatian Chamber of Architects for 2016 (Decision of the Board of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, 2 February 2017).
- Continues MEMBERSHIP IN THE EDITORIAL BOARD of a scientific journal „Ybl Journal of Built Environment”, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary. degruyter.com
- As a GUEST LECTURER he participated in international seminar “Quality of Landscape and Quality of Life in the Sustainable Adriatic City”, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 4 December 2015., Universita di Camerino – Architettura e Design “Eduardo Vittoria”. Presentation: Heritage as an active space and spatial resource.
- MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE for the monitoring of the development of Management plans for protected architectural heritage of the City of Dubrovnik (appointment of Mayor of the City of Dubrovnik), 2015-2018.
- The Society of Architects of Zagreb appointed him as a HONORARY/TESTIMONIAL MEMBER “for the exceptional contribution to the affirmation of architectural and landscape heritage through education and writting” (2015)
- Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb awarded him The CHARTER for a special contribution to the development and promotion of the forestry profession in the Republic of Croatia (16 October 2014)
- Appointed as Full Member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (15 May 2014), ceremony and awarding of diplomas 17th June, www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as member of Executive committee for Renewall and Development of Arboretum Trsteno (Dubrovnik) of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (13 June 2014).
- Appointed as representative of the Ministry of construction and physical planning of the Republic of Croatia in Professional advisory Committee for renewall of Dubrovnik, www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as member of the Editorial board of scientific journal “Ybl Journal of Built Environment”, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Szent István University, Budapest; www.degruyter.com
- Appointed as member of culturological segment of Committee for the Protection of goods in national interest, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (coordinator for themes: cultural landscape and cultural urban areas)
- Appointed as member of scientific council for construction, regeneration and development of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (26 March 2013), www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as member of the Physical planning council of the state (appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 13 September 2012), www.mzopu.hr
- Appointed as member of the Editorial Board of the Department of Fine Arts of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (22 May 2012), www.hazu.hr
- Named a Head of Department of Urban and Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb for Academic years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.
- Appointed as representative of the staff’s members for Department of Fine Arts with the right to participate in the work of the Assembly of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (25 May 2011), www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as member of Executive committee for Renewal and Development of Arboretum Trsteno (Dubrovnik) of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (30 March 2011), www.hazu.hr
- Named member of the Expert working group for Urban and architectural conservation and study of the public spaces of the Upper Town in Zagreb (the appointment of Mayor of 13 September 2010).
- Named a Head of Department of Urban and Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb for Academic years 2009/2010. and 2010/2011.
- Named member of the Scientific council for technical sciences of Repubic of Croatia (appointed by the National Council for Science on 9th June 2009 until 9th April 2013).
- Appointed as MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL for Turism of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (3 Juni 2008), www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as MEMBER OF THE PHYSICAL PLANNING COUNCIL OF THE STATE (appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 10 April 2008), www.mzopu.hr
- In manor Golubovec is represented a BOOK MANOR GOLUBOVEC in Donja Stubica (Croatia), 10 April 2008 (authors Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci with colaborators).
- Named a HEAD OF DEPARTMENT of Town planning, Regional planning and Landscape Architecture on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (perform duty from 1 October 2007).
- In Vienna is represented a book STADTPARKS IN DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN MONARCHIE 1765-1918, Burggarten – Palmenhaus, 28 Juni 2007 (Bojana and Mladen Šćitaroci – authors of the chapter Public parks in Croatia).
- In Milano (with B. Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci) presented a lecture L’ARCHITETTURA PAESAGGISTICA IN CROAZIA: patrimonio storico, attualita e progetti, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, 7 Juni 2007.
- Appointed as MENTOR and as member of Small council of Postgraduate Study HISTORY OF ART on Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb.
- Appointed as ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF CROATIAN ACADEMY of Sciences and Arts (18 May 2006), www.hazu.hr
- Appointed as member of committee for Renewal and Development of Arboretum Trsteno (Dubrovnik) of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (22 February 2006), www.hazu.hr
- REGULAR MEMBER of the Academy of Engineering of Croatia (26th February 2005), www.hatz.hr
- AWARD OF THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (HAZU) for highest achievements in sciences and arts in the Republic of Croatia in 2004 in the field of visual arts for the book Public parks of Croatia in 19th century (together with Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci).
- Named member of the REGIONAL SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL SCIENCES (appointed by the National Council for Sciences on 1st March 2005).
- Appointed PERMANENTLY as PROFESSOR in the technical scientific-academic field: architecture and town-planning (certificate of the Senate of the University of Zagreb, 14th September 2004), www.arhitekt.hr
- Appointed as MEMBER OF THE PHYSICAL PLANNING COUNCIL OF THE STATE (appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 22nd January 2004), www.mzopu.hr
- Appointed as member of the Administrative Council of the Public Institution “Maksimir” (appointed by the City Government of the City of Zagreb on 4th February 2004, until 20th December 2004).
- Karlovac book presentation VRBANIĆ’S PARK IN KARLOVAC (9th July 2004).
- THIRD PLACE AWARD at the competition for the architectural and landscape design for the THEATRE PARK IN RIJEKA.
- Appointed as ASSOCIATE MEMBER of the Academy of Ingineering of Croatia (3rd April 2002), www.hatz.hr
- Named as secretary of the Department for Architecture and Town-Planning at the Academy of Engineering of Croatia (from 3rd April 2002 to 26th February 2005), www.hatz.hr
- London book presentation MANORS AND GARDENS IN CROATIA – SLAVONIA FROM ZAGREB TO VUKOVAR (The Royal Institute of British Architects, 30th April 2002).
- Appointed as EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL “PROSTOR” for architecture and town-planning from 2001 to 2013 (appointed by Council of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb), www.arhitekt.hr/prostor
- AUTHORISATION OF THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE for the execution of activities on the protection and preservation of cultural heritage (22nd October 2001).
- Vienna book presentation SLAWONIENS SCHLÖSSER – VON ZAGREB BIS VUKOVAR (Croatian embassy, 26th March 2001).
- Appointed as MEMBER of the expert-counselling BOARD FOR THE RESTORATION OF DUBROVNIK (16th May 2000).
- Appointed as member of the COMMITTEE FOR STATE AWARDS FOR SCIENCES in the field of technical sciences (appointed by the Minister of sciences 4th September 2000, until 2004).
- Graz book presentation SLAWONIENS SCHLÖSSER – VON ZAGREB BIS VUKOVAR (Croatian consular office, 12th December 2000).
- Acquired the vocation of PROFESSOR in the field of technical sciences, scientific field of architecture and town-planning (certificate of the Senate of the University of Zagreb of 5th October 1999).
- Appointed as HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR TOWN-PLANNING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (from 1st October 1999 to 30th September 2005).
- Annual STATE AWARD FOR SCIENCES for the popularisation and promotion of science in the field of technical sciences (30th May 1999, awarded by the President of the Croatian Parliament).
- Registered as an authorised architect – AUTHORISED ARCHITECT PLANNER and AUTHORISED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (28th September 1999, reg. no. 1065). www.arhitekti-hkaig.hr, www.hkaig.hr
- Presented two lectures in Spain at La Universidad internacional Menendez Pelayo de Espana, Tenerife, 12th March 1999.
- Appointed as MEMBER COLLABORATOR of the Academy of Engineering of Croatia. www.hatz.hr
- Zagreb book presentation MANORS AND GARDENS IN CROATIA – FROM ZAGREB TO ILOK (Palace Dverce, 15th December 1998).
- Appointed as member of the GRADUATION COMMITTEE of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (14th January 1997). www.arhitekt.hr
- He gave three lectures in Italy on postgraduate specialist study “Tutela, restauro, recupero e progettazione edilizia ed ambientale” organized by International Mediterranean Management Institute Troina (in collaboration with Istituto Universitario d’Architettura di Venezia, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento d’Architettura e Urbanistica dell’Università di Catania), Troina (Sicily) 3-4 September 1996.
- Appointed as ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (20th December 1995).
- Appointed as MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY EDITIONS of the University of Zagreb (decision of the Rector 12th April 1995, until 1997).
- Acquired the scientific-research vocation of SENIOR SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATOR (26th May 1994).
- Honoured with the COMMEMORATIVE RIBBON OF THE CROATIAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 1990-1992 (decision of the President of the Republic of Croatia 21st January 1994).
- Appointed as member of the CROATIAN NATIONAL COMMISSION for UNESCO in the field of architecture and environment (appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia 24th August 1993, until 1998).
- Vienna book presentation SCHLÖSSER UND GÄRTEN DES KOATISCHEN ZAGORJE (18th March 1993).
- Zagreb book presentation CROATIAN PARK HERITAGE – PROTECTION AND RESTORATION (Museum Mimara, 26th October 1992).
- As a guest-professor he held lectures in Spain: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Master jardineria y paisajismo, Madrid, 17th February 1992; Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, 19-27 February 1992; Univesidad Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela tecnica superior de arquitectura, Madrid, 6 March 1992.
- Zagreb book presentation MANORS AND GARDENS OF THE CROATIAN ZAGORJE (Palace Dverce, 3rd December 1991).
- Acquired the scientific-academic vocation of DOCENT /SENIOR LECTURER (5th March 1990).
- Named member of the COMMISSION FOR EXPERT EVALUATION OF URBAN PLANS of the Assembly of the City of Zagreb (named by the executive council of the City of Zagreb on 8th March 1990, until 1991).
- Obtained his DOCTOR’S DEGREE at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (16th January 1989, doctoral dissertation Research of the methodology of the restoration of historical parks and gardens).
- Acquired the scientific vocation of SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATOR (18th October 1989, reg. no. 045083).
- Appointed as DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLISHING COMMITTEE of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (16th October 1989, until 2001).
- Zagreb book presentation PARKS AND MANORS OF THE CROATIAN ZAGORJE (the Society of Architects of the City of Zagreb, 25th April 1989).
- Appointed as ASSISTANT at the Department for Town-Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb.
- SCHOLARSHIP HOLDER OF THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT for scientific advanced training in Italy, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, mentor: Professor of Architecture Marcello Fagiolo.
- Obtained his MASTER’S DEGREE at the post-graduate studies Designing parks and natural recreational structures at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb (26th December 1986, thesis: A contribution to the research of gardens and parks of manors in the Croatian Zagorje region, Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb).
- Appointed as ASSISTANT PROJECTOR at the Department of Town-Planning at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (7th February 1986).
- Participant of the INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “L’Architettura di Andrea Palladio – XXVI. Corso Internazionale di Storia dell’Architettura”, Vicenza (5th-15th September 1984).
- Enrolled at the POST-GRADUATE MASTER’S STUDIES Designing parks and natural recreational structures at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb.
- Became member of the Association of Croatian Architects (UHA) and the Society of Architects of Zagreb (DAZ).
- Employed at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb as trainee-collaborator for a year at the Department of Town-Planning (3rd March 1980).
- Appointed as PART-TIME ASSISTANT at the Department of Town-Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (9th May 1980).
- GRADUATED from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (21st November 1979, graduation thesis Ščitarjevo-Andautonija – cultural and natural heritage and planning possibilities of the wider territory).
- GRADUATED from secondary school in Zagreb.
- Enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb.
- Attended PRIMARY SCHOOL in Zagreb.
- BORN on 1st January 1955.