Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci
Prof.dr.sc. BOJANA BOJANIĆ OBAD ŠĆITAROCI, born on 6th January 1956, is a graduate architect and has a D.Sc. in the field of architecture and town planning. She is professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, the Department of town-planning, regional planning and landscape architecture (teaching subjects: landscape architecture and town-planning). She graduated from the primary and secondary classical schools in Zagreb. In 1974 she enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb where she graduated in 1980. During the year 1982 she did scientific and expert advanced training in Montreal (Canada). She earned her M.Sc. in 1986 at the post graduate studies Architectural heritage (Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb), and in 1990 she obtained her D.Sc. with her doctoral dissertation Research of the continuity of architecture on the territory of the central part of the island of Hvar at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. Upon graduation, she worked as an architect and town-planner at the Croatian Urban Planning Institute. Since 1991 she has worked as an independent scientific researcher, planning engineer and town-planner. She is the author/co-author of five books, about forty scientific articles, ten scientific studies from the field of landscape architecture, forty town-plans and studies and thirty designs from the field of garden and landscape architecture. She has actively participated at scientific research projects home and abroad in the field of landscape architecture. She has delivered lectures at the post graduate studies in Troina (Italy). Since 1988 she has delivered lectures at the post graduate studies “Regional planning, town-planning and landscape architecture” at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. In the academic year 2007/2008 she was a part-time lecturer on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb – Department of Town planning, Regional planning and Landscape architecture. She is employed on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb as Assistant Professor (1st July 2008), as an Associate Professor (18th July 2012) and Professor (10th April 2018). She is a scientific-research counselor (scientist no. 125251) at scientific-research projects registered at Ministry of science of Croatia: “Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture” (2002-2005) and “Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture” (2006-2013) and “Heritage Urbanism – urban and spatial models for revival and enhancement of cultural heritage” (HERU, HRZZ-2032, 2014-2018) financed by Croatian Science Foundation, which is being carried out at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. She is a scientific researcher in the international project Smart U Green (2017-2020). Appointed as a consultant for landscape and cultural heritage in the First Research Group of the FAR project (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca) “PRE-PLAN” 2020-2022. (University of Camerino, Italy).
She is a reviewer of scientific-research projects in the field of architecture and town planning. She has taken part at national and international scientific-expert conferences: Zagreb, Stari Grad on the island of Hvar, Poreč, Varaždin, Palmanova, Udine, Vienna, Shanghai, Venice, Naples, Bari, Barcelona, Paris, Athene, Rome, Prague, Belgrade, Rijeka, Zagreb, Albena (Bulgaria), Venice, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), Yeju (South Korea), Copenhagen, Lisbon, Crete, Reims, Pescara and Sebenico with topics related to the protection of the cultural heritage of architecture, tourism, landscape and space syntax. She lectures Landscape Architecture and conducts course of Landscape Design on the B.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning Studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, and lectures Contemporary Landscape Architecture, conducts Workshop of Landscape Architecture and supervises graduate theses on the faculty’s M.Sc studies. She also teaches Theory and Design of Landscape Architecture and Space Syntax at the faculty’s doctoral scientific studies. until 2018). She is teaching Module Scape at the Postgraduate doctoral scientific study Architecture and Urbanism (from academic year 2018/2019).
She is an authorised architect. She finished an international workshop for mentors Professionalization of PhD Supervision for mentoring in doctoral work. She speaks English, French, German and Italian, and can use Spanish, Latin and old Greek.
- Participant (with Ivana Banović Đorđević) in the XI International scientific and professional conference Architectural Heritage and Urban Planning, Beograd, 8. October 2021
- Appointed as a consultant for landscape and cultural heritage in the First Research Group of the FAR project (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca), “PRE-PLAN” 2020-2022 (University of Camerino, Italy).
- Participation in a group exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Department of Art of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, HAZU Palace, Zagreb, Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters (November 7, 2019 – February 29, 2020). Exhibited project: Renovation of the spa park in Lipik 1986-2019.
- Participated (with Ana Sopina), in Ancona, Italy, 27-28 June 2019, in the international research project SMART URBAN GREEN – Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum, European project no. 693443 (2017-2020), coordinators: Prof. Derk Loorbach and Dr. Matthijs Hisschemoller, DRIFT Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Participant in the scientific conference IZAZOVI HRVATSKOG TURIZMA, Zagreb, 5th June 2019.
- Coordinator for panel (with Ana Mrđa) „AESTHETIC, FUNCTIONAL AND HUMAN DIMENSION OF THE CONTEMPORARY LIFE through Art, Architecture, Design, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism”, Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Real Estate Development. Hotel Esplanade Zagreb, organizer: Filipović poslovno savjetovanje d.o.o., Zagreb, 15th May 2019.
- Participant in the International scientific conference Proceed with Care – Living with Tourism, Sebenico, 1-3 May 2019, Lecture: HERITAGE URBANISM & URBANSCAPE EMANATION.
- Lecture at the Round table FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY – NEW IDEAS, Sebenico, 1-3 May 2019.
- Appointed as member of the Advisory Board REDI (Reducing Risks of Natural Disaster), University of Camerino, Italy, 11th March 2019.
- Participated (with Ana Sopina and Tamara Zaninović), in Dordrecht, Netherlands, 21-22 February 2019, in the international research project SMART URBAN GREEN – Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum, European project no. 693443 (2017-2020), coordinators: Prof. Derk Loorbach and Dr. Matthijs Hisschemoller, DRIFT Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Participant in the International scientific conference IFAU 2018 Fragile Territorise (with Ana Sopina), Pescara, 8-10 November 2018.
- Appointed as member of the Scientific Commission REDI (Reducing Risks of Natural Disaster), University of Camerino, Italy, 18th July 2018
- Leading researcher of the research project URBAN EMANATION. The project was approved by the University of Zagreb, June 2018.
- Lecturer in the Professional conference How to successfully maintain and use the Angiolina Park, keeping its values for the future? Presentation: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GARDEN CITY SYSTEM, organizers: Conservation Department in Rijeka, City Opatija and Croatian Museum of Tourism, Opatija, June 1, 2018.
- Participant in the Round Table Culture, Cities and Sustainable Development, panel discussion: IMPACT, CONTRIBUTION AND IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE AND CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF CITIES, organizers of the gathering: Udruga gradova and Odraz – Sustainable Community Development, Zagreb, 30 May 2018.
- Coordinator for CULTURAL HERITAGE PANELS – Commercial-Development Potentials; Business Investments in Cultural Heritage Tourism – Critical Success Factors, Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Real Estate Development. Hotel Esplanade Zagreb, organizer: Filipović poslovno savjetovanje d.o.o., Zagreb, 25 April 2018.
- Lecturer in a Seminar series La Ville Environnement(s), EVCAU, Ecole Nationale Superieure d’architecture, Paris-Val De Seine, Paris, 30.11.2017. Presentation: ADAPTIVE LIVING LANDSCAPE – LANDSCAPE BEYOND BOUNDARIES / PERIPHERY LOCUS AMOENUS.
- Participant on the Roundtable European Youth and the sustainable Development: is Conflict inevitable?, NOEMA Business School, Grande Ecole De Management, Reims, 30.11.2017. Presentation: THE ZAGREB CASE STUDY.
- The closing lecturer in the Conference MAPPING URBAN CHANGES, Dubrovnik: Institute of Art History (Zagreb) and Centre for Advanced Academic Studies University of Zagreb (Dubrovnik), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20-22 September 2017.
- Participation (with Tamara Marić, Garyfalia Palaiologou and Sam Griffiths) at the 11th INTERNATIONAL SPACE SYNTAX SYMPOSIUM. Lisbon: Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017.
- Participation (with Stjepko Golubić) at the international conference: LANDSCAPE FUTURES, UNISCAPE CONFERENCE 2017; Theme 4 – The Right to Landscape and Democratic Practices. Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-21 June 2017.
- Participation (with Ana Mrđa and Richie Howitt) at the international conference LOCAL IDENTITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT ON WORLD HERITAGE SITES – 5th UNESCO UNITWIN, Coimbra, Spain, 18-22 April 2017.
- Presentation of poster (with Tamara Marić) URBANSCAPE EMANATION IN THE HERITAGE LAYERS OF THE URBANARCHIPELAGO – UNESCO World Heritage Sites as Core Attractors in Split Urbanarchipelago at the international forum: Historic Urban Landscape, Bartlett University College London, UK, 21 March 2017.
- Participated as a leading discussant in OUTCOME DEBATE – ROUND TABLE 4, with Dennis Rodwell and Ana Pereira Roders, at the Historic Urban Landscape Forum, Bartlett University College London (UCL), London, UK, 21-22 March 2017.
- Participated (with Ana Mrđa) in the international research project SMART URBAN GREEN – Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum, European project no. 693443 (2017-2020), coordinators: Prof. Derk Loorbach and Dr. Matthijs Hisschemoller, DRIFT Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Leading researcher of the research project URBANSCAPE EMANATION. The project was approved by the University of Zagreb, decision of 13 June 2017.
- Leading researcher of the research project URBANSCAPE EMANATION. The project was approved by the University of Zagreb, decision of 21 July 2015.
- Participation (with Ana Mrđa) at the international conference TOURISM AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES – TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH, Foundation for Information Society (INFOTA), Budapest, Hungary, 11-16 June 2016.
- Participation and presentation on the Round table TECHNOLOGY TOURISM LANDSCAPE (TTL), Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 1st December 2016.
- Participation (with Ana Mrđa) at the international conference LOCAL IDENTITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT ON WORLD HERITAGE SITES – 4th UNESCO UNITWIN CONFERENCE, Budapest, Hungary, 18-22 April 2016.
- As a guest lecturer she participated in the International seminar “Quality of Landscape and Quality of Life in the Sustainable Adriatic City”, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 4 December 2015, Universita di Camerino – Architettura e Design “Eduardo Vittoria”. Presentation: Urbanscape Emanation vs. Types of Landscape.
- Participated (with Ana Mrđa) in the International Conferences ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL 2015, Annual Meeting / International Symposium: Re-thinking Lifescape: Linking Landscape to Everyday Life; Haenyeo Museum & Jeju Stone Park, Yeju, Korea, 1-6 November 2015
- Held lecture: Urbanscape Emanation at Master Universitario en Planeamiento y Ordenación del Territorio, Madrid, Spain, 23 September 2015
- Leading researcher of the research project URBANSCAPE EMANATION. The project was approved by the University of Zagreb, decision of 21 July 2015
- Leading researcher of the research project URBANSCAPE EMANATION. The project was approved by the University of Zagreb, decision of 21 July 2015
- Participated in International Conferences and Workshops in Belgrade, Rijeka, Zagreb, Bulgaria and Venice:
- 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 3-4 April 2014
- 6th International Conference on Industrial Heritage, Rijeka, 24-25 April 2014
- SINERGI – Social Integration through Urban Growth Strategies, Zagreb, Thematic Seminar 15-17 July 2014
- SGEM 2014, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Science and Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture & Design, Albena Resort and SPA, Bulgaria, 2-7 September 2014
- 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future, Venice, 17-19 September 2014
- Participated in International Conferences and Workshops in Paris, Prague, Rome, Zagreb and Athens:
- Landscape and Imagination, Paris, 2-4 May 2013
- Urban Popcultures 3, Prague, 12-14 May 2013
- Planning Times, Rome, 20-23 May 2013
- Zelenilo grada Zagreba, Zagreb, 5-6 June 2013
- EcHoPolis Conference, Athens, 29 September – 3 October 2013
- VII. International PhD Seminar Urbanism and Urbanisation, Paris, 3-5 October 2013
- Acquired the vocation of Associate-professor in the field of technical sciences, scientific field of architecture and town-planning (certificate of the Senate of the University of Zagreb at the 18 th June 2012).
- Participated in International Workshop: Architecture, Education and Society, Barcelona 23-25 May 2012.
- Successfully completed a workshop for mentors “Professionalization of PhD Supervision”, held 6th to 7th December 2011 in Zagreb, led by Dr. Johan Sonneveld (University of Utrecht).
- Participated in “Primo congresso internazionale di Retevitruvio, Il Progetto di Architettura fra Didattica e Ricerca; Bari (Italy) 2nd to 6th May 2011; organizer: Facolta di Architettura, Politechnico di Bari.
- Participated in the international conference of the European experience in the revitalisation of castles and historic buildings / European success stories in the revitalisation of historic houses and castles, Sheraton Hotel, 10 October 2008, organizers: Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, Aquis Ltd. (Zagreb), CBBS Ltd. (Zagreb), Union of European Historic Houses Association (Brussels).
- Acquired the vocation of ASSISTANT-PROFESSOR in the field of technical sciences, scientific field of architecture and town-planning (certificate of the Senate of the University of Zagreb of 12th May 2008).
- In manor Golubovec is represented a book MANOR GOLUBOVEC IN DONJA STUBICA (Croatia), 10 April 2008 (authors Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci with colaborators).
- Appointed as a part-time lecturer on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb – Department of Town planning, Regional planning and Landscape architecture for the courses: Studio II/Projektni studio II, Studio III/Projektni studio III, Studio IV/Projektni studio IV, Town planning III/Urbanističko planiranje and Town planning IV/Urbanističko planiranje IV
- In Vienna is represented a book STADTPARKS IN DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN MONARCHIE 1765-1918, Burggarten – Palmenhaus, 28 June 2007 (Bojana and Mladen Šćitaroci – authors of the chapter Public Parks in Croatia)
- In Milano (with M. Obad Šćitaroci) presented a lecture: L’ARCHITETTURA PAESAGGISTICA IN CROAZIA: PATRIMONIO STORICO, ATTUALITA E PROGETTI, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, 7 June 2007.
- MEMBER OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the second international conference Manors and villas – cultural heritage as an initiator of economic development (Trakošćan, 13th-14th October 2006).
- Appointed as SCIENTIFIC COUNSELLOR in the scientific field of technical sciences, architecture and town-planning (decided by the Committee for the field of technical sciences – architecture and town-planning, geodesy and civil engineering, 20th October 2005).
- AWARD OF THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES for highest achievements in sciences and arts for the book Public parks of Croatia in the 19th century (together with Mladen Obad Šćitaroci).
- MEMBER OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the first international conference Compatible use, valorisation and creative management of villas, stately homes and castles (Zagreb, 10th November 2005).
- DIPLOMA THESIS COMMENTARIES for students at the Polytechnic Faculty of Architecture in Bari (Italy); topic: Architettura di pietra tra Puglia e Dalmazia.
- Karlovac book presentation VRBANIĆ’S PARK IN KARLOVAC (9th July 2004).
- THIRD PLACE AWARD at the competition for the architectural and landscape design for the THEATRE PARK IN RIJEKA.
- DIPLOMA THESIS COMMENTARIES for students at the Polytechnic Faculty of Architecture in Bari, Italy / Facolta di Architettura Politecnico di Bari, Italia; topic: Architettura tradizionale a Brač – un’ipotesi di progetto – Forma urbana, tipi edilizi e costruzione nell’isola di Brač.
- GUEST CRITIC at the international summer school of town-planning “Urban recognition of coastal and insular settlements” of the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (Orebić).
- London book presentation MANORS AND GARDENS IN CROATIA – SLAVONIA FROM ZAGREB TO VUKOVAR (The Royal Institute of British Architects, 30th April 2002).
- Delivered the lecture HISTORISCHE GÄRTEN IN KROATIEN in Vienna, organised by Österreische Gesellschaft für Historische GÄrten (Öesterreihische Gartenbaugesellschaft, 19th March 2002).
- Appointed as EXPERT-EVALUATEUR at the European commission – Science, Research & Development, Bruxelles.
- Vienna book presentation SLAWONIENS SCHLÖSSER – VON ZAGREB BIS VUKOVAR (Croatian embassy, 26th March 2001).
- Graz (Austria) book presentation SLAWONIENS SCHLÖSSER – VON ZAGREB BIS VUKOVAR (Croatian consular office, 12th December 2000).
- Delivered the lecture MANORS AND GARDENS OF NORTHERN CROATIA in Vienna (Burgenland-Croatian Centre, 23rd June 1999, organised by the: Central Croatian Cultural and Publishing Society Austria).
- Registered as authorised architect (no. 225) at the Croatian Chamber of Architects and Engineers.
- Zagreb book presentation MANORS AND GARDENS IN SLAVONIA – FROM ZAGREB TO ILOK (Palace Dverce, 15th December 1998).
- Participation at the Round table “Croatian space – fundamental national heritage” (Zagreb, Hotel Intercontinental, organised by: Croatian Urban Planning Institute) with the speech A CONTRIBUTION TO THE METHODOLOGY OF PROTECTION OF TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE.
- As guest lecturer delivered speeches at the specialist studies CORSO DI FORMAZIONE PER TECNICI SPECIALISTI IN MATERIA DI TUTELA, RESTAURO, RECUPERO E PROGETTAZIONE EDILIZIA ED AMBIENTALE at International Mediterranean Management Institute – Troina (Regione Sicilia, Italia, 3rd-4th September 1996).
- Named as researcher for the mid-European research project STADTPARKANLAGEN IN DEN LÄNDERN DER EHEMALIGEN K.U.K. MONARCHIE / Town parks and gardens in the former Austrian Monarchy (project holders: Fonds zur FÖrderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Wien & Institut für Kunstgeschichte der UniversitÄt Wien).
- Participated at the international conference Nature-Architecture-Diversity (Naples, Italy) with the speech GARDEN ARCHITECTURE AS AN ELEMENT FOR THE CITY IMAGE.
- Delivered the speech TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ISLAND OF HVAR during the cultural events “Antun Dobronić’s evenings” organised by the Central Croatian Cultural and Publishing Society Jelsa.
- Participated at the conference East and West – The Universal Garden – From Idea to Realisation (Venice, Italy, 26th-28th April 1995) with the speech IN QUEST OF “CHINESE” IN THE GARDENS OF THE WEST.
- Participated at the international conference East and West – The Universal Garden – From Idea to Realisation (Shanghai – Suzhou, China, 10th-14th May 1994) with the speech HISTORICAL GARDENS OF CROATIA: THE ROMANTIC GARDEN MAKSIMIR IN ZAGREB AND GARDENS OF THE CASTLES AND MANORS.
- Member of the Croatian Association of Architects (no. 128).
- Worked on historical-landscape analyses of the gardens of the manors Belec in Selnica and Novi Dvori zaprešićki.
- Employed at own company ŠĆITAROCI d.o.o.
- Made plans for manors and maps for the book MANORS AND GARDENS OF THE CROATIAN ZAGORJE (Zagreb, 1991).
- Worked as planner on THE SPATIAL PLAN OF THE ISLAND OF HVAR at the Croatian Urban Planning Institute.
- Gave birth to daughter Eleonora (30th December 1990).
- Obtained doctoral degree at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (15th October 1990, with the thesis A RESEARCH OF THE CONTINUITY OF ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ISLAND OF HVAR).
- Delivered the speech VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE ON HVAR at the International summer school in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar.
- Acquired the vocation of SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT (31st January 1989).
- Cooperated at the research project Scientific bases of long-term socio-economic development of Croatia with the topic PROTECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE AS VALUES OF THE LITTORAL TERRITORY (project holder: Croatian Urban Planning Institute, Zagreb).
- Acquired the vocation of RESEARCHER-ASSOCIATE (30th December 1988).
- Married Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
- Participated at the International conference LA TRASMISSIONE DELLE IDEE DELL’ARCHITETTURA (Udine, Spilimbergo, Italy, 29th-30th September 1988) with the speech L’ANALISI DELL’ARCHITETTURA TRADIZIONALE RURALE SULL’ESEMPIO DELL’ISOLA DI HVAR.
- Participated at the 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Science (Zagreb, 24th-31st July 1988) with the speech PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HABITATIONS – TRADITIONAL RURAL ARCHITECTURE ON HVAR ISLAND.
- Participated at the international conference Castelli e cittá fortificate – storia, recupero, valorizzazione (Palmanova, Italy, 12th-13th June 1987).
- Employed as collaborator at the Centre for Scientific Research at the Croatian Urban Planning Institute in Zagreb.
- Obtained a master’s degree at the post-graduate studies Architectural heritage at the Faculty of Architecture of the University in Zagreb (8th January 1986, thesis: Analysis of the architecture of traditional rural agglomeration of the island of Hvar on the examples of the primary settlement Vrisnik and secondary settlements Humac and Prapatna, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb).
- As fellow associate dwelled at the Centre for the protection of cultural heritage in Hvar.
- Passed her licensing exam.
- Obtained a scholarship for advanced training in the field of protection of architectural heritage in Belgrade (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments).
- Delivered the lecture THE SPIRIT OF RESTORATION IN QUEBEC at the post-graduate studies Architectural heritage in Split.
- Laying of the exhibition FROM RUPTURE TO THE IDEA OF CONTINUITY (Chalet de la Montagne, Montreal, Canada) at the post-graduate studies Architectural heritage in Split.
- Scientific and expert advanced training in the field of architectural heritage in Montreal, Canada.
- Enroled at the post-graduate master’s studies Architectural heritage at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb.
- Employed at the Project office “AK” in Zagreb, internship.
- Member of the Croatian Architect Association (UHA) and the Society of Architects of Zagreb (DAZ).
- Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (23rd June 1980).
- Enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb.
- Maturirala u Klasičnoj gimnaziji u Zagrebu
- Graduated from the primary school “Križanićeva” and Classical secondary school in Zagreb.
- Born on 6th January 1956 in Zagreb.