Lectures at european universities
lectures at european universities
- EVCAU, ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’ARCHITECTURE, Paris – Val de Seine, Paris, 30 November 2017, Series “La Ville Environnement(s)”, Lecture: Adaptive Living Landscape -Landscape Beyond Boundaries / Periphery Locus Amoenus.
- NOEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL, GRANDE ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT, Reims, 30 November 2017, Round tabel: “European Youth and the Sustainable Development: is Conflict Inevitable?”, Lecture: The Zagreb Case Study.
- BARTLETT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL), London, 21 March 2017, lecture: Urbanscape Emanation in the Heritage layers of the Urbanarchipelago – UNESCO World Heritage Sites as Core Attractors in Split Urbanarchipelago.
- BARTLETT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL), London, 22 March 2017, lecture on Historic Urban Landscape Forum: Urbanscape emanation vs. use of cultural heritage.
- TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN (TUW), Vienna, 1 December 2016, lecture on TTL Round Table Meeting: Touristscape Emanation Rijeka 2020 Port of Diversity, a case study in progress.
- ETH ZÜRICH HÖNGGERBERG, NATIONAL CENTRE OF COMPETENCE IN RESEARCH DIGITAL FABRICATION (DFAB), Zürich, 10 October 2016, lecture: Urbanscape Emanation – Perceiving Urbanscape.
- UNIVERSITÀ DI CAMERINO – ARCHITETTURA E DESIGN “EDUARDO VITTORIA”, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 4 December 2015, lecture: Urban Emanation vs. Types of Landscape, seminar: Quality of Landscape and Quality of Life in the Sustainable Adriatic City (Qland-Qlife).
- ESCUELA TECNICA SUPERIOR DE ARQUITECTURA, Universidad politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Departamento de urbanistica y ordenacion del territorio, Master universitario en planeamiento y ordenacion del territorio, Madrid, 23 September 2015. Lecture: Urbanscape Emanation. The visit was realised with support of University of Zagreb (research “The Emanation of the Urban Landscape”) and within the research project Heritage Urbanism (HERU) financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-2032).
- INTERNATIONAL MEDITERRANEAN MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE TROINA, Corso di formazione per tecnici specialisti in materia di tutela, restauro, recupero e progettazione edilizia ed ambientale, in collaboration with: Istituto universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica dell’Universitá di Catania), Troina (Italija), 3-4 September 1996; lecture: Traditional architecture of the island of hvar / L’architettura vernaculare della isola di Hvar.